Words of Encouragement- Psalms 13:1-5

How long, O Lord? Will you forget me forever? How Long will you hide your face from me?
How long must I wrestle my with my thought, end every sorrow in my heart?
Look on me and answer O Lord my God, Give light to my eyes or I will sleep in death
my enemy will say I will overcome him
and my foes will rejoice when i fall
But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation
                                                                                 Psalms 13:5

David wrote these words as his prayer from being in dispair.  He asked the Lord how long would he forget him, and how long would he hide his face from him?  Obviously The Lord had not forgotten David and he had not hidden himself from him, but David was not feeling the presence of the Lord around him.  Sometimes in the middle of what seem like horrible earthly problems we tend not to be able to feel the Lord around us.  Sometimes we think the Lord is too slow to act.  We often have impatience with God.  It seems sometimes that evil runs rampid and we wonder when God is going to stop it.  David affirmed that he would continue to trust God no matter how long he had to for God's justice to be realized.  When you feel yourself becoming inpatient remember David's steadfast faith and God's unfailing Love, and that sometimes when God allows the devil to work in our lives he is strengthening our patience and our faith.  God always gets the glory in any situation no matter how bad it seems to us.

Just like David sometimes we will have to wait on the Lord, It may be a financial situation, a health situation  a family situation or even someones salvation, and in these times it is harder to hold on to your faith but God's timing is perfect and if we trust in his unfailing love and rejoice in the salvation he has given us He will prevail :)

In his time
In his time
He makes all things beautiful In his time
Show us everyday
As your teaching me your way
You do just what you say
In your Time
- such beautiful lyrics to an old hymn but so true today.

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