Savor September!

Happy September everybody! I know I’m not the only one who is excited about fall, and all the things that comes with it.  I can not believe that the Apple Festival is already behind us and that the Mountain State Fair starts this weekend.  I am looking forward to Friday night football games, the crisp cool night air, pumpkin doughnuts from Skytop, and breaking out my boots and scarves.
I am so excited about all the things that fall brings with it, but I also know that I am gearing up for my busiest fall season yet, and I realize how important being intentional is, so I decided to share my goals for September on the blog, July and  August were a little stressful on certain days and I felt overwhelmed with the emotions of excitement of all the sessions and families that I was given the privilege to create memories for, but also with all the editing that I had to accomplish.  I actually felt really guilty taking my first vacation in four years at the end of June, but as I looked back on how burnt out I was at the end of the spring season, I realized how needed it was.  I came back from vacation rested and ready to go again.  Through the time I had to reflect I realized how important it is to care for myself not only physically, spiritually, and emotionally, but also to care for my family and my relationships with them.
While August was tough , the Lord really taught me alot through it.  I have learned more about myself in the last 30 days than I have in a long time.  I have discovered more about my purpose as a child of God and how blessed that he has allowed me to do what I love.  So with all that said I am not waiting for January 1st to make a new start,  I am ready for new beginnings now. I have realized that through the Lord’s help and through planning, planning, planning.  I can truly have the most amazing fall season ever!
His mercies are new every morning. So here is to September :) !!!
September Goals
For my relationship with the Lord:
Study through the book of James
Read Leslie Ludy’s Book Set apart Femininity
Stormie Omartian’s Power of a Praying Wife
and Beth Moore’s Get out of that Pit
make a commitment to pray for my pastor and my church everyday this month
For my Biz:
Blog 6 days a week ;)
Revamp my office/ studio
Work on my 12 month marketing calendar
Complete Branding and welcome packets
Complete my operations manual
For my clients:
Plan a Holiday Mini Session – (to die for!)
Scout out 2 additional fall locations
Create a communications system to help me better respond to
all the many calls, texts, emails, facebook messages, and personal inquires.
For My Husband:
Date night 2x this month
Surprise Him at work with lunch at least once this month
Pray for him everyday!
For My Family:
Christmas Shopping Complete :)
Intentionally Encourage one member of my family once a week.
Pray for members of my family intentionally everyday.
For Myself:
Pay for someone’s meal behind me in the drivethru
Get a haircut
Walk more than 4 miles every day this month
Try a new recipe
Clean out my prop shed
How will you have a fresh start this fall… God reminds us that his mercies are new every morning .  Its not too late :) Who wants to join me on this journey to an amazing Fall season:)

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